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Job Confidence

How to deal with the roller-coaster of emotions when trying to find a job.

Interview Confidence

Looking for a job can feel like an uphill struggle with a lot of work both mentally and emotionally.

Here are a few tips that can support you at this time:

(1) Preparation is key but that should also include taking care of yourself.  When you feel good within yourself everything flows better. Do something, no matter how small, each day that inspires you!

(2) Be organised have all your qualifications, CV and cover letter to hand.

(3) Know your own unique skills and qualities and feel good about sharing those things within an interview setting.

We offer a 4-Week Confidence Boost Programme starting at £149 for further details and an outline please get in touch.

Click Here

Assertiveness Skills Training, Tyrone, Armagh, Northern Ireland
By Norah Hughes June 15, 2021
How Assertiveness Training & Coaching can increase effective communication FREE 15-Minute Session Assertiveness Skills Training Northern Ireland
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What we have learned from working from home: 1. Have a routine , and set healthy boundaries between work and home life. 2. Work to best standards and ditch the 'perfectionism' that keeps you stuck in the mindset of 'not good enough'. 3. Work in a space no matter how small, that inspires creativity and productivity . 4. Self-care : Take care of your physical, emotional and mental well being . 5. Invest in technology and stay connected online to a group that inspires you. I'm sure there is more... Want some help? The first step is to book in with us for a FREE 15-minute 'get to know you' session. See if we are a good match to work together. CLICK HERE
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